Stepping out in Faith
When you step out in faith, God will always meet you there. I am not saying it is not without a battle, but there is one who fights our battles for us. The power of prayer is constantly seen in action as God pours forth His mercy and love.
I call on you, O God, for You answer: give ear to me and hear my prayer. Psalm 17:6

The needs of the house are many, some of which are seen and others which are hidden. God has a way of sending help when you least expect it. We were praying for a social worker and God sent Hany Chocooj who also is a teacher. God’s plan is perfect. Casa Agua Azul was in need of house parents, and He sent Jerry and Griselda Makepeace. Their love for the children is that of Jesus.
When I hear Jose Herra say, “Don’t worry, your lawyer will take care of this,” I feel so protected by God. When you are able to truly surrender and trust God with your battles, you find He is faithful and true. He holds the whole world in His hand.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

I believe our entire staff has been hand-chosen by the Lord. I see so much love and respect for each other, being of one mind, the mind of Christ. A genuine camaraderie is clearly seen working together with hearts that are sold out to care for the children.

The summer months bring many visitors. Daneille Zieroff joined us this June, and we are excited for her to return with many friends in July. ( Danielle is a blessing with many gifts and talents; for one, she is a teacher. Her insight, love, and excitement reaches the hearts of the children with explosions of joy.

July is here and close to passing. Rachel Timmerman from the Florida Keys with Life to the Nations is volunteering this summer. She is passionate and well-seasoned in missions and comes with expertise in the field of social work with a great team backing her from Wesley House in the Florida Keys. ( )

Rachel has also teamed up with Ali Cipri and their Cross-fit team to serve at Casa Agua Azul and to explore the jungle of Guatemala on a “Jerry Jungle Tour". It was a fabulous week, and it is always sad to see teams go, but the joy is that they will return.
Exploring the wonders of God is never ending.

Fun in nature rejuvenates the heart!

The vastness of His glory is incomprehensible!

Team at the house working hard to bring forth a better future.

The healing power of love in action.

Our many visitors from Boatique Marina continue to bless Casa Agua Azul in numerous ways. Their guests from all over the world come out to Casa Agua Azul. We are grateful for the community support! Missionaries from Canada, Irvin and Tamara Godina, along with Boatique owners Sheldon and Pamela Redpath, bring forth our first movie night to the entire village of Ensenada! (

Still others from Germany and Idaho share games and fun, bringing many smiles.

Our children enjoyed a fun movie with popcorn and loved sitting on these beautiful motorcycles of Margaria and Rene. They travel around and show movies to children to encourage them to follow their dreams.

Casa Agua Azul is here by faith -- what looked impossible has come to be.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7