From Pandemic to Progress
With the coronavirus threat the children are safely tucked away with our gates closed. With the school closed and limited exposure to other people the health of the children is increasing. Spring, runny noses are clearing up and coughs subsiding. Our youngest child, Baby Gail Nahomy, was sick with an intestinal tract infection to the point we had to bring her to the hospital. Fortunately, with the proper medication and changing her formula she is home with us and sleeping well. Just in the two weeks that I have been here she has grown so much. She is a happy, strong baby who has overcome so much in her first two months of life. She has a fighting spirit and a beautiful smile.
The month has been a challenge just as it is for others. Our water went out which is never a good thing especially with 17 children, but at a time like this it is even worse. Making a plea on Facebook brought in the funds to purchase another water pump and the piping needed to replace the old encrusted and clogged pipes which extracts the water from Lake Izabal. Our water is pumped in to the house from the lake. For some reason the new village mayor is not allowing us to have village water. Village water is limited, and when it they run out we are ask us to help supply water for the school. Seems fair enough to me! You have to keep your sense of humor. I have learned not to try to understand but to just except otherwise you will go crazy. God is supplying for our needs and we are grateful to help when possible, we love all the children and the people of our village. The resources in the village are limited and we are very blessed thanks to our many supporters. Our main concern and focus is to be good stewards to the children here at Casa Agua Azul but we are part of the community and what affects them affects us.
Many of the children are new to the house in the last few weeks. There is always a certain amount of chaos and unrest when new children arrive. It takes time for the group to bond and become a unit with the many personalities and backgrounds. Fighting is not uncommon, children are sponges and parrots. Monkey see, monkey do. There is a lot to undo from their past. Discipline and love turns the cart around, even the most toughest cases. If you hang in there you will see results. Its not perfection but it is progress. Spiritual growth and inner healing is bringing transformation one day at a time.
The house is filled with emergency supplies, corn, rice, beans, meds and fully staffed. What is a constant need is diapers and formula for our little ones. Guatemala is doing a good job to protect her people from the Corona virus. Some may say it’s overboard, but so far its working and we are grateful. There are too many at risk in this area to not take seriously the lives of many.
We have a special need of reliable transportation for the house. With many trips to town and court, our old vehicles are being rattled apart on the rugged road. We have noticed and researched the Toyota Hilux which appears to hold up the best in our area and continues to run up in the most rugged terrain of the mountains. We are looking to raise funds of $20,000 and sell our current vehicles which are constantly in the garage draining our finances. Donations may be made at
Your ongoing financial support ensures the children will be cared for and loved well. Our staff has increased with the amount of children along with our food and medical cost. Casa Agua Azul is a worthy cause with a track record of being good stewards of our resources. We ask that you will pray and join us in this fight against injustice and bring healing into the lives of innocent and vulnerable children. When you support Casa Agua Azul though Blue Water Surrender you are not paying any salaries to our USA board of directors, we all work on a volunteer basis and also provide funds to our organization. The caregivers in Guatemala are in a different situation and work long hard hours. Your donations provide quality care through our staff in Guatemala, a roof over their heads, food, education, medical, dental, and physiological needs for the children.
We thank you for your support and we also ask for your prayers. Ultimately, God provides and he has chosen people to be his hands and feet. God bless you, stay in peace in these uncertain times and know that love is greatest of all. Love is an action. We have a choice every moment to choose love.
Gail Gordon
Director Blue Water Surrender.