As I look out over the clouds with the sun light shining bright, peace fills American Airline’s flight to Guatemala. Its a beautiful day from above. In this moment it’s hard to think the world is in a state of emergency. Events are being canceled, certain shelves in the stores are empty, schools are closing, our schedules are being interrupted. The flight I am on is empty but is known to be full on the return. MIA, airport is in a lull until you enter the security area which was a mass of people this morning wearing masks. Fortunately the TSA line is empty and a beautiful walk through. I feel more than fortunate, I am sincerely blessed to be healthy and able to travel at this time.
After landing in Guatemala we were not allowed to de-plane until we are checked out by the Guatemala medical team which came aboard. I started thinking why am I here? The world is going crazy and I am here in Guatemala alone. After filing out some paper work and having our temperature taken you are allowed to continue off the plane to a series of check points before reaching customs. I walk by the crowd and hear my name “Gail“. I look and behold there is a fellow missionary friend who just arrived from Costa Rica. How is that for God making your feel comfortable in an unusual situation. We chatted for a while and went though the check points together. Continuing on to customs which was empty and so was the baggage department about 16 bags or so were lined up by the still carousel, it looked like a ghost town. Its a very unusual time.
The world in this moment appears to be attacked by a stronghold of fear which is dwelling in our thought life. At night when I go to bed I can sense fear looming in the atmosphere. Communication is necessary; we are in this world together. I am grateful for wisdom and the efforts of governments, agencies and individuals who are acting to protect. We are called to stand and help those in need. Our elderly, those with compromised health, and our children are precious and precautions to keep good health for them and one's self is wise and a good thing, but to hide in fear is of no use to the Kingdom of Light which is God”s place of peace and love for all mankind. Fear is a tool of darkness and is only coming to destroy. We have a choice. Fear is real, fear is a spirit but we do not need to join forces with fear. We can align our selves with wisdom partnering in peace and perseverance for what God has planned for our lives. For those of you who do not know; God’s plan is simple, It is to prosper you in His Kingdom. The strong hold, the house of Jesus is stronger than fear. Our minds take us to dwelling places. To dwell under the wing of the Almighty in His shadow is a safe place. He is the one who has the power and authority to save and it is like no other.
Driving though Guatemala city was a series of traffic jams, two accidents happened just a few minutes before our passing. Again, I am feeling blessed for being spared a terrible accident but still wondering why am I here. Driving on with Jerry, our director of Casa Agua Azul, we talk about the children. Several of the children have been placed back into their families and its working out well. It is good to hear stories of reconciliation. New children have been court ordered to the house. The situations they have come from are heart breaking . The violent abuse, abandonment and neglect suffered by these children is hard to believe. It is clearly known that hurt people, hurt people. Poverty on all levels is the culprit. Mankind is surely in need of a savior and none of us are exempt. The good news is despite the pain and suffering and injustice the children are suffering, I see Jesus healing their hearts.
I would like to be bold to those of you who disagree with my faith in Jesus. My hope is that you will give me a moment of your time and continue to read on, not offended. I come to share love, hope, joy and peace with you. Jesus is not a threat or one who harms, but one who loves unconditionally. I feel sad when people become angry and shut the door on friendship because of love for Jesus. If I came to you with a piece of delicious homemade cake or a great healthy drink because I love and care about you, would you reject me? I imagine that is how Jesus must feel. He offers living water at no cost. He offers love and kindness to all of our fellow man. I pray that the world will look and see who Jesus really is. His eyes have and continues to plead for all men to be with God.
Arriving at Casa Agua Azul 14 hours after leaving the Florida Keys I am met by 17 excited children, half of whom I have not met yet. The hugs and love were flowing from the delight with in the children. It’s been 2 1/2 months since I have been here with my precious angels. I love them all the same, each one uniquely different in so many ways yet all the same. They are happy but you can see into their faces the need for love, the hollowness of the past is starving for your love.
You may be angry at God, and blaming God for many things. Horrific things happen in life. I see it right here in front of my eyes. Who would beat a child so bad they are hospitalized for 5 days for not selling five bags of chips, which amount to less than $15? God is not the only player in this world. Bad things are all around us every day. Why do we blame God for mans action? God still wants to be your friend no matter what you say about him, he still loves you. He wants to take the pain from your heart and make all things right. Take a closer look at life and at death. Is it possible? Is our mind open enough to think that maybe our mind needs to be changed? Is there a possible need to look at some things differently and a little deeper before we point our finger and blame. Our feelings do not always direct us to the right place. Am I a terrible criminal because there are so many times my mind and my feels have been wrong about some thing, some one, God or even myself? I say no, I am human living in a human condition which is not perfect, but the question is, am I willing to be changed? We change the sheets on our beds, we change the color of paint on our houses, maybe I need to change is some other areas. Am I able to put down my pride and walk in humility and be changed?
It is late and I just found out my return flight home is canceled. The email says to reschedule. Ok, press the link no flights available! Ha ha back to this virus which is shutting down life as we know it and have no idea for how long. Its all an I don’t know! I have to think, why am I here?
I think about war and those who have protected our country and have given their lives for the freedom we have. Freedom did not come without a price. The soldier at some point had to step in faith knowing he may be harmed to the point of losing their life. The soldier stepped in faith prepared with a helmet to protect his mind, ammunition to wage war against the enemy and trust in his superior officers. The soldier walks in wisdom prepared for whats ahead. Hiding will not win the victory, at some point each person will have to stand like a soldier unless they choose to lie down and die. Victory is taken and there is a chance you will take a bullet along the way, but by wearing the helmet of salvation, walking in wisdom, and carrying the word of truth dripping in love you will tear down the strong hold of fear. The ultimate victory and freedom I have ever found is in Jesus.
This is why I am here. I am on a journey with Jesus. I may not know specifics in the moment but it is important that I am here and it is important that you too are here. You just may be the light someone needs to see.
Casa Agua Azul is just that, light to be found in the darkness, a home for the children who need hope and healing.