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Forever Changing World

Dear friends of Blue Water,

There have been so many changes in the world, yet the world holds on and continues. God’s hand is still upon us as the sun rises and sets. We have so much to be grateful for. Our house “Casa Agua Azul” remains with children running about. It is not without its challenges. We face new situations every day and find that God is faithful in every situation.

We have had some firsts:

Two of our precious children have been adopted by a Guatemalan family. It was hard to let them go but when you see the joy of the new family, it is easy to thank God and bless them into their new lives. This new life was made possible because of your support to Casa Agua Azul. Casa Agua Azul was there for these children in a time of great misfortune.

Guatemala couple adopts two children from the house.

We have three more children eligible for adoption and we ask for your prayers. Our children come to us abused on all levels. The desire in their hearts to be loved and have a family is huge. We are a family at Casa Agua Azul, yet the children desire a mom and a dad totally to themselves. Their hearts ache to a degree of which no child should be exposed to. Thank you for being the hands that reach out and provide for their needs from a roof over their heads to a roof over their hearts.

Kids around the table with arts and crafts

One of our girls turned 18 and recently aged out of the home. This presents another challenge. She was placed in a secondary home to further her education and prepare her to go into the world as a young woman. As many of us experience with teenagers they don't always want to conform. Learning how to remain in love and guide the child and not enable them will be the best gift you can give. After a time of counseling and looking to see what options were available to her, she has been placed in a safe environment to continue her education and grow into adulthood under supervision.

kids working with missionary to dump rocks for foundation.

There are laws placed on children’s home by the government for good reasons to protect them from harm. But we are finding this causes them to be sheltered at the possible expense of preparing them to go out into the world as an adult. We are navigating through these situations with the love of God and your support. 

We had our first court appearance with a severe misconduct situation. We are here to guide and teach but truly, only one can control themselves. God has given us free will. How we use our free will can result in a blessing or cause oneself problems which spill over into the lives of others.

missionary construction team and kids of the house.

Our core values are to love in truth and ground it in much prayer. We ask you to pray with us for the healing and transformation of our children. The damage that has been inflicted upon the children who arrive at our home run deep into their emotions and minds. Our professional staff works with the children in the undoing process and our reliance is upon God to bring the restoration. We are a faith-based organization adhering to the principles and clinging to our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

Construction team from the local area of Guatemala.

On the construction field we have many praises. Our mission house is complete and ready for short term missionaries. We have had a well dug, thanks to generous supporters. This has improved the water quality and ability to have consistent running water in the house. Unfortunately, our septic system is now revolting against us. New drains have been installed and we are consulting on a plan for a new septic.

children watching construction being done
two missionaries discussing project teams

Much time has passed, and the needs of the house have changes along with the times. We have outgrown our office and a new one is just now complete. A computer lab is being donated and will be set up for the children in the old office. How great is our God to continually supply through people for our needs in this ever-changing world. 

On the mission front we have an addition to our family. Because of generous short-term missionaries and monthly supporters, we now have a dorm for long term missionaries. We welcome James and Celeste Feagle to the mission of Casa Agua Azul. They bring many gifts to the home to enhance the lives of the children. The children are now receiving English lessons which will help them in their future lives as the area we reside is home to a sailing community and many Americans who come and enjoy the many natural beauties of Guatemala.  

the house and missionaries at the Church.

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27 NLT 

Your support through prayer, financial giving, and joining us on a mission trip all help to keep our doors open as we in a united effort

“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed.” Psalms 82:3 NIV

I pray the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be apparent and in abundance in your life.  His love never fails, He is our blessing in all things.

Gail Gordon


Blue Water Surrender


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