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David's Testimony
I want to start off by thanking Gail and Ted of Bluewater Surrender for this incredible opportunity to let me be able to go to Guatemala on my first mission trip. I went on this trip trying not to have any expectations about what would come out of it because I didn’t know what mission trips were really about. All I can say is I received a lot.
One of the most prominent things that I learned on this trip was that it is as easy as knocking on someone’s door and asking to simply pray for them to honestly save someone. That all people need is to know that someone is there for them to listen and pray with them and how you and I can be that person. My eyes were opened to how many people are actually in need and how it’s really not only in Guatemala, or Cuba, or Nicaragua but in our own towns and cities. That we don’t have to go to another country or state, or quit our jobs and move somewhere with more need to make a difference. All it takes is an hour a day, or even just an hour a week, to make a difference in someone else’s life. It was neat to experience how happy people in Guatemala were with what little it seemed they had, which was really not much. The comparison of cultures from Guatemala and America were remarkable. Here in America, people are constantly wanting something new; the newest iPhone, newest car, newest anything. In Guatemala, all we did was play with a beach ball with some kid’s day after day after day and we had an amazing time. Getting kids from our neighborhoods and playing with them or just spending time with them and conversing with them might be all they need. We need to start teaching others to live in the present.



One of the biggest things that the children taught me was that it doesn’t matter what circumstances you are going through, what you have been through, or what has happened in your past, you can still love, have fun, and be genuinely happy. There is nothing that can hold you back from living the joyous life God has for us. It was awesome having the gift to speak Spanish. I was really thankful to be able to pray with people there in a language they understood. I think this deepened my connections with the people of Guatemala.
Another incredible thing in Guatemala were the sights. I think it’s amazing how God knows exactly what is pleasing to our eyes.
Guatemala opened my eyes to what I want to do with my career and deepened my passion for it. I am going to be starting school within the next year and I am truly excited to take this next step in helping others. Since I’ve been back, I have started volunteering at the retirement home in my local town. I wanted to find a way to be there for people in my community. I just started with my background check and went from there. I’ve made connections with groups out of town who are in it to make a difference and plan on reaching out to many more.
What I hope people get out of this is one thing. If you have ever had the desire to go on a mission trip but haven’t yet, DO IT! Going to Guatemala gets you out of your comfort zone. Being in Guatemala really taught me to be in the moment and to stop worrying about tomorrow. I hope you get to experience what I was able to experience throughout this trip and I cannot wait to be back. I love you guys and so does God.
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